Extended Remote Learning
Gary Gonyar
Thursday, April 09, 2020
April 9, 2020
Greetings Students, Staff, Parents/Guardians, and Community Members!
Remote Learning Extension
The Commissioner of Education, in consultation with the Governor, has recommended that school districts begin planning for remote learning through the end of the school year. This follows the CDC guidelines for schools to close classroom-based instructions for 8 - 20 weeks to flatten the curve and to also keep people safe during the tail. I have conferred with Hermon Town Manager Howard Kroll, the Hermon Administrative Team, and regional superintendents about the recommendations. To do our part to keep people safe, the Hermon School Department must take the recommendations from CDC, the Commissioner, and the Governor seriously. Therefore, until further notice, we will continue with remote learning. We hope there is a drastic change and we can be assured it is safe to bring everyone back. If that happens, I will notify everyone. At this point, we need to plan for remote learning for the remainder of the school year.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
· All students in good standing will graduate and advance to the next grade. If you have concerns about your or your child's standing, please contact your teacher, guidance counselor, or principal. It is important that students continue to engage with the remote learning activities.
· Faculty and staff are working with administrators to develop contingency plans for end of year celebrations, summer school options, and transition plans for when students and staff return to school buildings. More information will be provided at a future date. Although unlikely at this point, our hope is to be able to provide some closure to the school year and celebrate in person, but alternative plans will be developed over the next few weeks.
· If anyone is concerned about the emotional wellbeing of someone, please contact the NAMI MAINE HELPLINE. Their number is 800-464-5767, press 1. Please visit the website to the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS), for additional hotline numbers. Their direct line is (207) 287-3703. You can also use the number 2-1-1 to get general information regarding the Coronavirus outbreak in Maine.
If there are things our faculty and staff can do to assist families, please reach out. We stand ready to support all.
Gary J. Gonyar