PBiS school wide goals and achievements.
about 5 years ago, Jenny Perry
PBiS Goals
A big thank you to Ryan Gerry and NIF for fabricating a fantastic sign to hold our electronic screens.
about 5 years ago, Jenny Perry
Thank you NIF!
Our new sign will be up and running soon!
about 5 years ago, Jenny Perry
Our New Sign
PE has been fun in the multipurpose space but we are all very excited to be back in the gym!
about 5 years ago, Jenny Perry
Mr. Gonyar helping in math class.
about 5 years ago, Jenny Perry
A helpful Superintendent
We watched the first woman from Maine launch into space today!!!
over 5 years ago, Jenny Perry
Space Launch
We have had many visitors this week!
over 5 years ago, Jenny Perry
Painting a rainbow of learning!
over 5 years ago, Jenny Perry
Painting a rainbow of learning!
We have started the year off flying!
over 5 years ago, Jenny Perry
We have started the year off flying!
Welcome back to Mrs. Ayer! She will be opening the first couple weeks of school on our second grade team, in Mrs. Hake’s classroom. We look forward to having her with us as we start this exciting new school year!
over 5 years ago, Jenny Perry
The construction of the new canopy is almost done and will be “covered” to start the new school year on Sept. 3rd (PreK, 1st-4th grade). Kindergarten will have their first day of school on September 5th.
over 5 years ago, Jenny Perry
Mrs. Hake will need to be out on medical leave for the start of the school year. We are in the process of hiring a long term sub. We will keep the community informed as the process moves forward.
over 5 years ago, Jenny Perry
Please join us at the Patricia A. Duran School for our annual Open House. PreK- 1st grade from 1:30-2:30 and 2nd-4th grade from2/00-3:00.
over 5 years ago, Jenny Perry